S.No. |
Publications: |
Price (Rs.) |
1. |
The 'NCHF Bulletin' is a bilingual (English & Hindi) monthly publication of the National Cooperative Housing Federation of India (NCHF) which carries articles by eminent cooperators and experts on legal, technical, financial, organizational aspects and other useful information pertaining to housing cooperatives in India and abroad including latest developments in the field of construction technology. This Bulletin is intended to serve as an effective and useful media for dissemination of information among various departments of the Government of India, State Governments and other concerned institutions in Public and Cooperative Sector. |
4000/-* |
2. |
ORGANISATION AND MANAGEMENT OF HOUSING CO-OPERATIVES: (5th Revised Edition, August, 2006): The treatise authored by Dr. M.L.Khurana, is an outcome of his vast experience as the executive head of NCHF and provides up-to-date information about the organisation of housing cooperatives; planning and execution of projects, raising of funds, rules and regulations; management aspects etc. It provides a sound conceptual base and practical knowledge towards better organisation management and finance pertaining to housing cooperatives.
Rs. 600/- |
3. |
READINGS IN COOPERATIVE HOUSING: (Revised Edition): The publication "Readings in Cooperative Housing" is a compilation of various articles and papers contributed by Dr.M.L.Khurana, Managing Director, NCHF on various occasions at International Conferences, National Conferences, in National Dailies and other journals. The book nicely presents all necessary information towards management, finance, new techniques of construction, Government policies and activities of Cooperative Housing Movement in India and U.K. This book is most useful to all those associated with housing cooperatives.
Rs. 250/- |
4. |
SUPREME COURT ON HOUSING COOPERATIVES: This publication provides deep knowledge of different legal aspects and interpretation of various laws relating to housing cooperatives thereby avoiding litigation. Compiled by Dr.M.L.Khurana, Managing Director, NCHF, this book contains all the important judgments delivered by the Hon'ble Supreme Court from 1963 to 2004 relating to housing cooperatives with a simplified presentation of points involved.
Rs. 750/- |
5. |
TABLES OF EQUATED INSTALMENTS: As a ready reckoner for housing cooperatives for the purpose of calculating the amount recoverable from members/housing cooperatives to repay to financial institutions. This publication contains over 475 tables giving monthly, quarterly, half yearly installments for different repaying periods from 5 to 22 years at different rates of interest varying from 5 to 20% per annum, running into 558 pages with leather binding.
Rs. 2,000/- |
6. |
YOU AND YOUR HOUSING COOPERATIVES: To train prospective members in the basic postulates of the Cooperative Housing Movement, this book has been designed to serve as a guide to those who will be incharge of the member education programme. This book is also likely to be useful to all those interested in the organisation and management of housing cooperatives.
Rs.10/- |
7. |
REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE TO STUDY PROBLEMS OF MAINTENANCE OF ACCOUNTS OF PRIMARY COOPERATIVE HOUSING SOCIETIES: This report is based on a Study of the System of Maintenance of Accounts of Primary Cooperative Housing Societies in different States by a Committee appointed by NCHF. It suggests ways to streamline the procedure to be adopted in India to improve the accounting system of Primary Cooperative Housing societies.
Rs.50/- |
8. |
Rs. 300/- |
9. |
Rs.600/- |
10. |
HIGH COURTS ON HOUSING COOPERATIVES: This publication contains 48 Decisions of various High Courts and 13 Decisions of District, State and National Level Consumer Forums running into 333 pages with leather Binding. It also contains a simplified presentation of legal issues involved and views held by the High Court/Consumer Forum in each case. As the decisions relate to Housing Cooperatives, the publication can be very helpful to housing cooperatives in understanding various legal intricacies and helping them in sorting out these issues, without straightaway resorting to litigation.
Rs.1,200/- |
11. |
NATIONAL CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL COMMISSION ON HOUSING COOPERATIVES: Compiled by Dr. M.L Khurana, Managing Director, NCHF, this book contains 26 decisions of the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission running into 157 pages with hard binding. It contains simplified version of each decision, issues involved and views held by the Commission and also the judgments of the National Commission.
Rs.200/- |
12. |
GUIDELINES FOR EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT OF HOUSING COOPERATIVES: This publication authored by Dr.M.L.Khurana, Managing Director, NCHF has been brought-out for the benefit of members, prospective members and elected representatives so that new generation genuine cooperatives are created across the country which in true sense promoted, owned and democratically managed by members only.
Rs. 100/- |
13. |
Rs.150/- |
14. |
COMMENTARY ON JAMMU & KASHMIR COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES ACT: 1989 Authored by Shri B.S.Manhas, Vice Chairman, NCHF and Dr.M.L.Khurana, Managing Director, NCHF
Rs.1200/- |
* Life Membership |
Note: The above prices of books include packing and postage |
Date:................................. |
The Editor,
NCHF Bulletin,
National Cooperative Housing Federation of India,
6A/6, Siri Fort Institutional Area,
August Kranti Marg, New Delhi - 110 049. |
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Please enter my/our subscription to ‘NCHF Bulletin’ for one year/as Life Membership commencing from ……………….. to ……………. I/We am/are remitting Rs.400/- / Rs.4,000/- by demand draft/cheque favouring National Cooperative Housing Federation of India separately/enclosed towards Annual Subscription/Life Membership. |
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